Leistritz is the leading manufacturer of twin screw extrusion technology. As part of their vision to introduce the next generation of plastic extruders in China, they partnered with Circ to create a new product design language for their 60CC machines.
Working closely with Leistritz's engineering and manufacturing team, we created a distinct and functional new form language for their ZSE-60 MAXX plastic extruder that can be easily scaled across their new products.

Design Process
Two defining functional requirements of the project were to maintain enough airflow to the engine, and easy access to the extruder during use. Through our explorations, we endeavored to turn these requirements into accent features - we made use of a perforated pattern on the engine house to create a branded element, and designed an iconic orange handle, which draws the user's attention to the removable panels along the extruder.
When panels are removed to connect feed lines and access points along the extruder, they can be placed in the negative space underneath the extruder panels.

VR Modelling
For such a large product, prototyping at real scale was very time consuming and expensive. By using VR in the prototyping stage, we were able to shortcut the time to market while saving a substantial amount of cost.

Product launch
The first prototypes of the Leistritz ZSE-60CC MAXX were revealed at Chinaplas 2023. Moving forward, the distinct design language and features of the new design will be scaled across Leistritz's other extruder products.